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Monday, February 2, 2009

Tonight's Run = Not Fun

Well, it has happened before, but has not happened in a while. Tonights run sucked. It was a 3 miler and really was one of the worst ones in a while. We are trying out a new watch, so we did intervals, but I did not have the normal timer set up, so I do not have an exact time, but I would say it was in the 45 minute range. Kind of sucks, cause we could have walked that and probably did it quicker.

Reason why I think I did poorly:

1. Did not stretch properly...
2. Maybe confidence was too high after I killed 7 miles the other day...
3. Maybe my legs just were not ready...

We will try again tomorrow, this time at a slower pace...maybe 2:2 instead of 3:1...we will see.


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