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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday Night Run...

I left work pretty excited today because my ankle felt great and I had an easy 4 miler to look forward to. I mapped out a new course through the neighborhoods that was not lousy with hills. I complained last week about our 3 mile course to Tim and of course he had to remind me of the name of the town I live in...

The new course was a slight upgrade. From the car, it seems very flat, but what I learned tonight was that it really is an incline one way, and slightly downhill the rest of the way...good thing is that it was not too difficult to run. I ran 3:1's tonight and kept to the Galloway approach of walking a bit at the beginning. I stuck to my 3:1 after that slowing my pace at the beginning (the uphill battle) so that when I turned around, I was able to pretty much trot at a much faster pace back until I got to the entrance of our neighborhood which is a pretty steep hill.

It was a lonely run tonight, just me. Mom is nursing some leg issues, Karen was at the dentist. I had my ipod to pass the time though so that was nice. Karen will jog on the treadmill later...

Joe 4 miles 47:36 11:54 pace

I believe that is my best pace time yet. I am getting to the point where I feel like I can conserve my energy, miles 2-4 were easy tonight just like miles 3-6 last Saturday. Granted, from about 2.5 -->3.5 it was downhill, but still...


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