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Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday Night

Was going to go ride the bike tonight at the rec center, but when I stopped by the house to pick up my ipod, Karen was in a bit of a mood over the amount of cleaning she had to do before her friends came over to see the Bachelor, so I opted to stay home and help clean.

After I finished my chores, I was able to squeeze in a few minutes of Star Wars Lego before I had to begin my babysitting duty. I have been playing that game quite a bit over the last week, I am closing in on completing the game to 100% which I have not done with any of the Lego series games...not that anyone cares, but I figured I would talk about something else for a moment.

Anyhow, I still feel great about the run on Saturday. No pain was felt, just normal sore muscles after a long run. It is probably best that I skipped tonight anyway. Tomorrow, I am going to do my normal 3.9 out and back out to Buckner Road. I am pretty excited to be running in the neighborhood again, it feels like forever. So for this week, I will not do any real cross-training...3.9 tonight, 3.9 Thursday, then we are doing 5.5 out at Radnor Lake on Saturday. Still plan to take it easy at the slower interval just to be sure. I want to make it through the rest of the training without injury. My goals for the 1/2 are well in reach...I do not want to mess it up.

If you have not been keeping up, check out Mom's Blog...she has been doing great keeping up with it. Mom ran quite a bit while we lived in Atlanta...I am embarrassed to say more than I knew. I had a chance to look at all of her bibs from over the years with her times listed on them, including a sub 2 hour 1/2 marathon time, which is totally impressive...mind you, my goal is to have a sub 3...

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