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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Great Runs this Week...

So, after Monday's great lunchtime run, my next scheduled run was Tuesday night for my normal "No Boundaries" run. It is a timed run, 50 minutes, with a 5 minute run at the beginning and 5 minutes at the end of just walking. The trick is they change the time intervals every week, so you progressively are running further every time you go out. Mom and I are still working on our heart rate training, so we have been ignoring the intervals. I find my heart rate spikes a lot more on NOBO nights. I think it is because I have to go a lot slower than most of them and it irritates me because I know I am just as fast if not faster than 75 % of the people out there. My endurance is better too. Anyhow, I stuck with it Tuesday night until about mile 3.3...then I ran at a pretty fast pace for me (Sub 11 minute miles) for the rest of the run until. Finished about 4 miles in 56 minutes. Not too shabby.

Thursday, I decided to run at the greenway across from the office. I LOVE the River Park at Concord, but it does take 15 minutes to get there. When I run during lunch, that pretty much holds me to 5k. I walked from the office until I was close to the greenway, about 3-4 minutes, then started running 3:2's...I figured I would knock out 3ish miles and be done. Well, it turns out that the greenway is small, but it is a nice little loop with a half mile out and back across the street from it. I ran the loop twice and the out and back twice and found that with the walk to and from the greenway, it put me around 4.4 miles...I ran a little extra and broke 5 miles in just over an hour. Very Nice...great route. Will probably use it for my lunchtime runs from here out...

That leaves us until this morning...I had planned to do 5 or 6...but Bella had a sleepover last night and the children were not very agreeable as far as when they needed to go to bed. LSS, it was about 2:00 AM before we got to sleep...I got out on the road around 7:30ish...ran a quick 5k, then came back. Karen was not up yet, but she was going to be soon and I did not want her to be alone for too long. Like I said, it was a long night. I do not foreshadow any Bella sleepovers any time soon. Karen said, at least until next summer...

I got SOME miles in and that is what counts. I am going to the Y today to sign up for the Franklin 10K, that should be fun...then the our big fall training push starts next weekend. Starting with 12 miles from the Fleet Feet Store. We are technically training for the Disney Full Marathon, although we are going to be running the Las Vegas Half before then...when we run Disney, we are running to finish, to enjoy the atmosphere...times do not matter...well, they do not right now. We will see what happens once the winter comes along...

Will blog again Monday afternoon to let you know what happens at the race...

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