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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Another Blogworthy Run

So, after being coerced into playing tennis yesterday, I made the guys at work promise to not tempt me again and training for our next runs would start today. In fact, one of my friends from work said that he would even come with me...Anyway, around 11:30 I changed and wandered down to Troy's office to see if he was still going to come with. He changed and grabbed his shoes, then we were off.

Since it was my first run since the marathon, I figured just a 5k would work for today. I upped my interval to 4:2 because since I have been running with the 2 minute rest period, it just seems to get easier and easier...we ran my normal 5k at the Concord YMCA trail and surprisingly after all of this rain, it was not as wet as I was expecting it.

Long story short, we made great time...I ended up finishing fastest 5k time yet by about 3 minutes...

The plan for the rest of the week is to go back out Thursday afternoon for a 3-4 miler, then we are either going to run a 5k or do a 5 miler near the house...we will see...

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