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Saturday, April 18, 2009

What haven't we done today...

We started Saturday early, about 5:30 am to prepare for our final run with the Fleet Feet crew. Mom and Gordon made it over around 6:00 am and we were off to Brentwood. After a slight snafu with respect to location of the run, we made it to the Otter Creek Church and all of us found our pace groups. Lou was out of town this week, so her husband Byron led us. He was a great pace leader...kept us at where we needed to be pace-wise. It was a very strong run. We finished our 5.8 miles in just over an hour, staying close behind the 4:1 group the whole time. After the run, we grabbed our goody bags, ate some breakfast, and went to Mom's to jump in the hot tub for a bit. While we did that, we called Gordon and asked him to take the girls for their mile long walk...they have just a few more miles to go before their big finish Friday night at the Country Music Kids Marathon and we had to be finish 3-4 this weekend so that the kids did not have to go crazy during the week...

Post Hot Tub, we got home briefly, then went over to the rec center to finish 1.5 miles with the kids, then a quick dip into the pool before we go home. Everything went well at the rec, after we got home the kids played for a bit outside and I mowed the grass. After that we went out to view the Hannah Montana movie with the girls. Claire was wanting to see it and since it opened the weekend before her birthday, we figured it would be fun. We survived...

To finish out the day, Mom, Gordon, Margie, and Denny came over for Claire's birthday cake, and now we are just hanging out until bedtime...

To finish out, here is an interesting piece of information pulled from the garmin.

Today's Workout

It shows the map that the garmin gps pulled down as well as the elevation changes...ridiculous!!

All in all, a great day...

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