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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

busy busy busy

It's been a few weeks since I posted, but it has been a very productive few weeks:

1. 2 Saturdays ago, we survived the massive hills of Percy Warner...6 miles worth...I am particular proud of this run because we ran the last mile straight, no intervals...

2. Tackled both of my big week runs (5-6 a piece) issues here.

3. Finished our last long training run (12 miles), this was not easy...but it was not as difficult as I thought it would be. We finished around 2:40...which is great. If I can recreate that I will totally smash the '3rd' goal of breaking 3:00.

So, where does that leave us?

Per the counter to the right of this post, we have about 10 days left until the first big race. Am I nervous? Yes. Why, I have no idea. I ran 12 miles 3 days ago, what is another mile. Am I excited, hell yes...I am ready to get the expo and get my gear and look around...

Until then, we are tapering...3-4 easy miles during the week. I did my 5k this afternoon during lunch while listening to Gordon's latest podcast. He had some great thoughts about the new D23 program this week among other things...seriously awesome podcast. I used to listen to it at my desk at work and it made me want to get out and run. I realized today that it would be twice as awesome if I listened to it while I I did.

Outside of running, it has been a pretty busy couple of weeks, Claire was in Florida with her Nana and Poppa all last week over Spring Break while Bella, Karen, and myself held down the fort. Unfortunately the weather has really not been cooperating with my pool plans, the hot and cold temps turned my pool green again. Oh well. I will wait a few more days and then get it going again.

Bella spent last weekend with her Dad, that left Karen and I with an empty house. We lucked out and one of our friends had 2 extra tickets to the Flight of the Conchords at the Ryman. Great, great show...lots of fun, especially hanging out with Allison and Matt who we have not seen in a long time. Saturday, after the 12 miler, we wanted to go see Observe and Report...after another great pancake breakfast, we were able to catch the matinee. It really was a great dark comedy, not for everyone, but we loved it. The last act is worth the price of admission in my book.

All for now!

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