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Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday Night Run - New Directions

Tonight's run sucked for me. It was a reminder that not every run is "blogworthy" and it really is nothing to fret about. See Gordon's podcast about the "longue duree" of running.

Not sure if the link will work, but if not, it is episode can look up "Run to Disney" through iTunes or go straight to Gordon's website. What we have done over the past year is pretty awesome and 25 minutes of a run on a Tuesday night is not going to ruin anything.

The issue today was that I did not eat enough lunch. After 2 miles of a 4 miler, I started to feel pretty queasy. It was a long 2 miles back home, but it goes to show that you need to make sure your body has the fuel it needs to get through those training runs. I have done a pretty good job balancing my diet with my runs, but due to some forgotten lunch items today, I paid for it. So be it, tomorrow is another day and another run.

So, Mom and I are going to start getting serious about our blogging, how serious?

This serious.

In the very near future, I am going to be pulling the blog from blogspot and moving over to wordpress, getting a real domain and Mom and I are going to be blogging several times a week about our runs, our travels over the next year and telling our story from the beginning. You see, we think we are pretty interesting. The 3 of you that read this now already know that, but we want other people to find us interesting too. So, what does that mean to you? Nothing really, but you could help us name the new blog if you want...Ryan suggested "The Runs", which is not that bad because we do talk about poop a lot. If you have any ideas, let us know and look for the changes pretty soon. I want to have the new blog up by the time my "Month of Stupidity" starts.

Month of Stupidity - Joe decides that 2 half marathons in a 3 week period are not enough and plunks another one right in the middle...

Nashville Half - 11/14
Atlanta Half - 11/26
Las Vegas Half 12/6

So, by early December, we should have lots of good stories and pictures to share.



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