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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Achievement Unlocked

When I am playing my xbox, that phrase is one that I look forward to seeing the most. For those not "in the know", each Xbox 360 game comes equipped with at least 1000 points of 'achievements'. Each achievement is weighted based upon how difficult the achievement is. The sum of all of your achievements make up your gamerscore.

Anyhow, I had the idea this morning that I should set up achievements for my training. If I already had them set up, this morning I would have opened up several of them. I decided that I would run to Publix prior to church to get the newspaper. The run to Publix is about 4.2 miles roundtrip, so it was not as long as I wanted to run this morning, but I did not want to be rushed. The run out to Publix was OK. I found the 3:2 intervals to be a little easy this morning, so I skipped my extra minute of rest to run. After purchasing my paper and also finding out that I did not win the powerball last night, I turned around and made my way back. After a brief stop crossing over Main Street, I started back running...I noticed that I was running at about an 11:30 pace, which is normally pretty fast, but I was not getting winded. I pushed it a bit and got myself in to the 10:15-10:30 range and was very comfortable there. So comfortable, I did not stop. Long story short, I ran the last 2.1 miles straight, with no rest periods. This was the longest distance I have run non stop since I started running earlier in the year.

Achievements Unlocked today

Maintained 10:xx pace for 2 miles
Ran 1 mile, no stops
Ran 2 miles, no stops

Not sure about the point values, but nonetheless, very strong run this morning...