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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Flickr Set of Peachtree Photos...

Pictures from the Peachtree Road Race

Story to be published later...


Expo was saved by meeting my Running hero Jeff Galloway...
Peach-Flavored Beer = Not Good
We are no longer casual runners
I look good in head bands
Medians in road races suck
We finished strong


ae said...

Joe, I respect you and your blog, but NOBODY looks good in headbands. Except maaaaybe Richard Simmons.

Joe said...

Did you even LOOK at the pictures? I look incredible with that headband...

ae said...

Um... yeah, I looked. I looked long and hard at your freebie 1680 AM headband that they give out every year (and I end up blowing my nose on, invariably).

They're great, you're great. But for the love of all that it sacred and holy, never wear one again.

Your friend in fashion,